Architectural Principles

The Most Modern Banking Platform Ever Built

Power card programs of the future with a platform crafted to leverage modern software architectural principles - Micro-services, Event Processing, API-first, Inversion of Control, Cloud-Nativity, and more.

An illustration depicting a modern banking platform powered by Zeta technology. The image features a lightning bolt symbol representing speed and efficiency, interconnected elements symbolizing integration, and icons representing microservices, API-first design, and cloud-native infrastructure.
A visual representation of the Zeta Microservices Based banking technology platform. The image features interconnected modules and components, symbolizing the modular and scalable nature of the platform.
Microservices Based
Composed of dozens of modules, which, in turn, comprise dozens of microservices. Each microservice is deployed as an independent Kubernetes cluster with infinite horizontal scaling, and synchronous and asynchronous message-oriented communication.
Event Driven and Real-Time
Built from the ground up to be event-driven and real-time, with every process - transaction processing, account processing, card management, and digital experiences - emitting 100s of real-time messages. This allows issuers to:
  • Track every event such as end customer actions, customer state change, or transaction/instrument/account state change in real or near real-time
  • Send real-time notifications to customers, populate data lakes, power real-time decision engines, and more
A visual representation of the Zeta Event-Driven and Real-Time banking technology platform. The image features a dashboard with various data visualizations, a notification bell, and chat bubbles, symbolizing real-time tracking and communication.
Cloud Native with Cloud Portability and Private Cloud Support
Zeta Platforms were born in the cloud and are vendor agnostic, allowing banks to leverage existing cloud provider relationships while avoiding vendor lock-in. All Zeta Platforms leverage Olympus - our proprietary private portable cloud orchestration platform. They can be deployed in a shared multi-tenant mode on a Public Cloud or Private Landing Zone and are simultaneously compatible with AWS and Azure.
A visual representation of the Zeta Cloud-Native banking technology platform. The image showcases the platform's modular architecture with various product modules built on a foundation of core modules. A visual representation of the Zeta Cloud-Native banking technology platform. The image showcases the platform's modular architecture with various product modules built on a foundation of core modules.
Headless Design with Comprehensive API Coverage
Zeta Platforms were built to be entirely headless and support every conceivable operation through granular APIs for the financial institution, their partners, and customers. These well-documented APIs together with real-time event streams enable rapid app development, surround system integration development, and unconstrained innovation.
A diagram illustrating the Zeta banking technology platform's headless design and API coverage. The image shows three main groups: Banks, Partners, and End Customers. A diagram illustrating the Zeta banking technology platform's headless design and API coverage. The image shows three main groups: Banks, Partners, and End Customers.
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A visual representation of the Zeta banking technology platform's data capture capabilities.
Change Data Capture Extracts
Zeta Platforms enable comprehensive change data capture or incremental data extracts from live transaction databases. These extracts are captured periodically across all systems, tracking changes to data points across 1000s of facts and dimensions. The extracts can be ingested into data lakes to power reporting, analytics, integrations and more.
Inversion of Control via
Low-code & No-code
Zeta Platforms allow product managers to configure and customize banking products with low-code/no-code scripts to control their behavior or application of business rules during transaction processing. This ‘inversion of control’ at runtime enables hyper-personalization of products, interception and dynamic control of state changes of various objects, granular configuration and more.
A visual representation of the Zeta banking technology platform's low-code/no-code capabilities.

Launch Products on Next-Gen Banking Tech with Zeta