Escaping the Legacy Card Tech Hamster Wheel

A roadmap to mature and high performing card programs
  • What you can learn from this whitepaper:
  • The four stages of card program maturity
  • What it takes to move to the next level
  • The benefits of modernization and the risks of the status quo

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The 4 Stage Card Program Maturity Model

Datos-Insights has developed the card program maturity model, defining four maturity stages: Legacy-dependent, Developing, Modernized, and Transformative
Legacy Dependent Stage 1 :
Legacy Dependent
Limited innovation, high costs, delayed data, basic digital experience
Developing Stage 2 :
Improved customer experience, lower costs, inconsistent data access
Modernized Stage 3 :
Personalized customer experiences, AI integration, instant data availability
Transformative Stage 4 :
Maximized AI, optimal customer experience, minimized costs, real-time data access
Download the Whitepaper to explore the key technical impacts of these stages in detail

Top reasons for upgrading to a modern system based on interviews with card executives

The image highlights a bar chart showcasing the top reasons for upgrading to a modern processing system based on interviews with card executives.

About Zeta

Zeta is a next-gen banking technology company. Zeta’s platform enables financial institutions to launch extensible and compliant banking asset and liability products rapidly. Its cloud-native and fully API-enabled stack supports processing, issuing, lending, core banking, fraud, loyalty, digital banking apps, and many other capabilities. Zeta has 1700+ employees with over 70% in technology roles across locations in the US, Middle East, and Asia - representing one of the largest and most capable teams ever assembled in banking tech. Globally, customers have issued 20M+ cards on Zeta’s platform.

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Download the Whitepaper for a roadmap to mature and high-performing card programs.